Heddon & Sons, JamesĀ®

Retailer: Heddon & Sons, James

Model: #20... Bill Stanley's Favorite, Fly Rod

Length: 8'

Handle: Half Wells

Configuration: 2/2

Weight: 4.44 oz oz.

Material: Bamboo

Circa: 1939 -1949

Condition: Excellent

Donated By: Ed Schuck

Markings: Heddon #20 - 8' - 0 - F - HDH or E

Remarks: A very desirable model in the Featherweight configuration this rod must have been sent back to the Factory to be rewrapped in the mid 50s as a rod with these markings would have had gold tipping. These #20 model Featherweights came with the half wells grip on the 7 1/2' and 8' versions. (Material.. Split Bamboo)